Usage Instructions

Here you can find the brief Usage Instructions. This example will follow the installation on a GLS plugin version, but it is the same process for the DPD version as well.

Label Print


  1. Log into your WordPress admin panel
  2. Navigate to WooCommerce > Orders
  3. If you don’t see the Action column, click on Screen Options, and then mark the Actions Checkbox. Now you’ll be granted with the new GLS Icons. Click on one of them
  4. The plugin will fetch the order data. You will see a Pop-up with already fulfilled fields coming directly from your order
  5. Click Print Label
  6. Your Label will open in the new browser tab. Print it!


Data is automatically fetched from the GLS server. The procedure goes like this:

  1. Your Web shop sends an API information to the GLS server that a new delivery is available
  2. GLS confirms the information and generates a BarCode (which will be shown on the label). GLS also sends a Tracking number
  3. GLS send an SMS + email notification to the end client
  4. GLS send a delivery courier
  5. A courier scans the label on the pickup location
  6. GLS notifies the end client that the package is picked up
  7. When the courier is close, GLS sends another notification to the end client regarding the delivery time

Bulk Print


Our plugin is also capable of Bulk (multiple label) print.

  1. Log into your WordPress admin panel
  2. Navigate to WooCommerce > Orders
  3. Select the orders you want to print (mark the checkboxes)
  4. Click on the Bulk actions drop-down and select GLS Print Label
  5. Click Apply
  6. Your Labels will open in the new browser tab. Print them!

Final result is the label where the marked part on the left stands for the tracking code (sms & email):

We wish you happy eCommercing!